Up 8:30. Bree is doing ok, swelling down noticeably. Coffee, read quota of Jasen & Jones so I wouldn’t have to cart it around; “popular”/ “vaudeville” blues era (Perry Bradford, Clarence Williams). Did a few things inefficiently around the house, found clothes for gig. Decided I needed a haircut, left around 1; longer than usual wait at the Barber, read in Banias, wrote in daybook, started a crossword puzzle. To Oracle Club (the writer’s space I belong to in Long Island City) around 3; not enough time to write, but rehearsed Laura’s song for tonight on their piano and cleaned up a few things online.
Left to make 4:45 soundcheck at City Winery; read a bit of Bullies. Could give blow-by-blow of the show (Wesley Stace’s Cabinet of Wonders), but it’s quite late, so: played piano on “No Way There From Here,” “Starry Skies,” and her arrangement of “Love Vigilantes,” w/ Laura and Mark Spencer, and organ (Nord) on an all-hands-on-deck finale of a Kevin Ayers song. Hit it off w/ the house pianist, got David Nagler’s Carl Sandburg CD. Cab to Queens w/ Laura, home 12:30.
Rain a hassle all day. No prose.