Up 8:30. Weight 215.7
Figured out changes for “Sara 99.” Read Hartman’s Free Verse for a while at coffee; the distinction between metrical (accentual-syllabic) and isochronic prosodies is worth being clear on w/r/t songwriting. Chatted with Joe & Honor [last name?], a couple of well-informed writers I run into occasionally, about musical theater. A couple of slow hours at home.
At Oracle 3:15, worked on “Ja-Da” until 6. Brief conversation w/ one of the painters downstairs about Camera Lucida. Finished Bullies on the way to rehearsal – aggressively inconclusive, on both the book’s personal and sociopolitical tracks. Reticence (rather than violence) as masculinity. Listened to some of the Ike Turner again, Threadgill on the walk from the subway. Rehearsed 7-10, worked on the Fridge songs + “Going to Fontana” w/ Allen. Realized that I forgot to learn “Rainy Days and Mondays.” Ran through our set after Allen left; maybe b/c I’ve performed recently, feel fairly comfortable, though less so on some lyrics – a disadvantage of learning an extra set. Finished Banias on the way home. Underwhelmed. there are moments (“See the sunset behind the courthouse, and how they are one/institution touching each other”; “the agreement to call this that”) but the themes, “insights,” and theoretical points of reference are trendy (a title taken from Laura Berlant) and the technique is on the conservative end of American Hybrid. Daybook, to remind myself that my poetry is no better. Home 11:30, lights out 1.