Up 8. Breakfast, coffee, prepped for carpenter, who came at 10. Communicated about the work he was supposed to do, called bldg. president, then holed up in office. Tidied some, but didn’t really get down to anything for quite a while. To be honest, I listened to an Agatha Christie audiobook for an hour. Ate lunch in room, did some no-brainer tasks related to upcoming building meeting; carpenter finished at 1, which disrupted things again; building pres. came down to check the work; he has to come back next week to spackle.
New laptop arrived by mail, a couple of days earlier than expected. (I’ve had my current MacBook since 2012; it’s slowing down, and the “t’ key has been erratic — never quite completely non-functional, but I’ve been cutting and pasting the letter a lot — for the last few weeks, which is what finally made me bite the expensive bullet.) May unpack it tomorrow; not really looking forward to the set-up and deciding what to transfer.
Wasted quite a bit of time in the afternoon, but finished reading the Wyatt bio (will now listen to the solo albums I don’t know); ordered the Instant Composers’ Pool box set that I’ve had my eye on b/c there was a Black Friday sale (on the musicians’ own site, so they’ll get the money); ear training, 10 p. of Logical Syntax. Did a NYT crossword and a Spelling Bee puzzle (basically Boggle); don’t want to make it a habit. Practiced piano around 8:30; did my scales and etude, played w/ some rhythms, tried “Ba-lue Bolivar Ba-lues-are” w/ metronome, & a couple of Rodgers & Hart tunes b/c the book was out.
Read 2 Ashbery poems; the 2nd, “Who Will Do The Kissing?” In its entirety:
You will not have heard that.
What about the leftover duck?
Who will do the kissing?
They have gone ice skating.
Lights out 11:15. Listened to a few tracks from the collaborations disc of Wyatt, Different Every Time, a companion of sorts to the biographer.