
Up 8:30, did a couple of crossword puzzles in bed, listened to a dharma talk. Breakfast/coffee. Had to reboot computer again, and register Office. Worked from 11-2, or a little after. Found/revised/cut grafs from an early draft on “Respect” and “Sweet Jane,” should finish this little bit tomorrow. Glad I started before Dec. 1.

Therapy 3-4. Read Edmonds, got to p. 100 around 6:45. The book is getting better - I found a chapter on Viennese coffeehouse culture quite moving. Read Bree some key passages (she’s fascinated by Austro-Hungary for different reasons: operetta). Practiced piano, inc. some ear training. Tried to play “Giant Steps” at 286 - ridiculous. Could barely manage it at 200. Played free a little. Sat w/ Bree at dinner (had made some pasta earlier); ended up watching the songs by the Mosquitos, Gnats, and Honeybees from the rock ’n’ roll episode of Gilligan’s Island.

Ordered a mic, interface, and a bass sequencer (recent copy of the Roland 303) - had been planning this soon, now that I have a newer computer w/ Logic, but I realized things were on sale today. Ripped Wyatt, Mid-Eighties, using Bree’s external drive; disadvantage of new laptop. Read 3-4 p. Carnap, Aufbau. Short walk after 10, dithered for a while, skipped Ashbery. Lights out 11:30.