Up 7. Crossword, about 15 min. Started listening to an LRB on Denise Riley w/ a former friendly acquaintance I’ll probably never hear from again, but found the presenter annoying. Carnap seminar, usually at 11, postponed. Breakfast, coffee. Watched a couple of cooking videos. Read about 10 pages of Logical Syntax of Language; comments on analyticity are interesting. Worked on revising next section, about 9-1. Went pretty well.
After lunch, did two phone chores: scheduled contractor to finish work on our ceiling (next Mon.), and scheduled a CT scan to confirm that I’ve passed my kidney stone (Tue.); also had to call Dr. to request insurance approval. Doesn’t sound like much, but 30-45 min. in all, but they’re the kinds of things I let slide. Therapy w/ Bree.
Piano practice - scales, syncopation etudes, tried to play head of “Donna Lee” and “Easy To Love.” Some general fooling around with “modern” (Hancock-ish?) minor voiclings. Don’t really know what I’m doing. Started reading Rudi Blesh, Combo U.S.A., a collection of jazz profiles in a mode/style that’s now considered pretty retrograde - though oddly his general pronouncements on the demotic character and meaning of the music come off like Christopher Small. Watched the end of a bad but sort of fascinating 1944 romcom, Bride By Mistake, w/Bree; Laraine Day, Marsha Hunt, Allyn Joslyn (best part). Wrote an email to KSPC (have to get on producing my Winter Break shows). Made some notes on microphones; got email that my backordered audio-interface/pre-amp is coming. Crossword - harder, had to look 3-4 things up. Lights out 12:30. Skipped JA.