Up 7-ish. Not as tired as I might have been, happily. Spelling Bee, breakfast, coffee, felt ready to get to work by 8. I think this light editing puts me in a flow state. Also had some music on - a blues-piano trio album by John Wright, and Ben Webster Soulville, both really good. Finished (for this draft) both the repetition, four families, and connotation sections (went through EK’s edits, took some, rejected others, which is also a good sign that I’ve been paying attention. Worked on the next section, formerly “Four Families,” now just “types of bridge” until almost 2. Had lunch, wasted an hr. or so, made more coffee, read 25 p. Combo U.S.A. (Blesh); ch. on Sidney Bechet.
Played a bit of piano, just a syncopation exercise, and played along w/ Mac’s song 3 or 4 song on the digital piano (which is in tune), though I can’t record yet. It’s in D, not too tricky, but I don’t really have A Part yet. Will probably make a chord chart. Started dinner about 5:30. Actual cooking: Bree had ordered 4 lbs zucchini but it seems like we got more, so we made the four largesstuffed w/ ground lamb etc., turned out well. Just chopped and steamed the rest for other uses. Read to p. 200, Logical Syntax of Language. Supposed to make 221 by Thurs.
Took out trash. Put the Superchunk track into Logic, just to see if I knew how to import files. Interface pretty intuitive, but I’m not sure how to line up tracks yet. Made another trip outside b/c recycling had piles up. Sunday crossword, about 30 min. Lights out 12:30.