Woke up 6-ish. Watched a couple of YT videos and the Law & Order podcast I go back to for some reason. Up 8, breakfast/coffee. Put together playlist for 2nd show - all 2020, inc. a few reissues. Organizer for my every-other-Thurs. Carnap group had an emergency, rescheduling. Did some other basic radio work (scanned log, send station dropbox link). Took it easy for a couple hours. Called dad about 1-2; his Christmas card arrived. Worked 3:15-5:30 or so, finished revising “Constrast” section, started looking at “Transition and Retransition.” Could but a bit - a structural decision is how much info about harmony (esp. dominant-tonic cadence) to put here v. introduction. Helped Bree make some Swiss chard, put on John Wright, South Side Soul (really good meat and potatoes blues piano trio album that started coming up on YouTube). Bree is supposed to record a performance video for a cabaret she has performed at; might want to do a song I don’t know already. Worked on the radio show after dinner, got to the halfway mark. Did pick up Ashbery, The Conference of the Birds for the first time in a week or so, read 2 short poems. The epigraph from “Cartoon Music” is from Gov. Cuomo: “Do I wish none of this happened? Yes.” Watched the end of a Zen documentary so I could close the window, Fri. crossword, lights out 12:30.