Up 9:30. John Oliver segment.
Form notes, 10 songs.
Left at 11:45. Mailed tax documents to acct. Done until the return shows up.
Coffee, started Mark J. Butler, Unlocking the Groove.
53rd St. library, worked 1:30-4:30. Putting stuff back in.
Had a bite, home 6. Chatted w/ Bree.
Read: to p. 53 of Butler, p. 80 or so of Brooks-Motl.
Took out recycling, brought up laundry.
Read Susan Reid, “Socialist Realism in the Stalinist Terror: The Industry of Socialism Art Exhibition, 1935-41.”
Cooked some vegetables, ate w/ Bree. Called Dad.
Wasted some time, but finished Brooks-Motl. Better than some poetry I’ve read recently.
Lights out not much after 11.