Up 6.
Form notes, 10 songs.
Coffee. Read 25 p. Butler, 30 p. Johnson, Brian Kane, “Acousmatic Fabrications: Les Paul and the ‘Les Paulverizer.”
Started a long article on “Body and Soul.”
Left about noon, made quota of Butler on train (though I ought to go back to musical examples w/ accompanying CD).Library 1-3:30. Moved around to a few moments in the “form” section of intro - progress not steady, but I don’t have much interfering w/ work the next few days. Saw Tomeka again.
Check out Mark Slobin, Folk Music, A Very Short Introduction.
Read some Johnson - by ’71, she’s a self-proclaimed “lesbian chauvinist,” writing what was once a dance review column in stream-of-consciousness style. Listened to a few tracks of Okzaki.
Dinner w/ Bree.
Home about 8. Tidied office - a little dispiriting to pile up loose ends/to-dos, but at least I cleaned up.
Finished notes on the current R&B disc. Ripped the next two discs.
Watched Pleasure Cruise (Frank Tuttle 1933), w/ Roland Young, Genevieve Tobin.
Lights out midnight. L&O podcast (another of my brainless comforts.