
Up 7:30 am.
Shostakovich Quartet #1.
Walk. Exercise.
Worked 11-1. Still a little bit ahead. Sent off a paragraph.
Didn’t do too much until 2:30.
Read 30 p. Adorno bio.
Bree made salmon. I mopped the floor afterwards.
Couple of email replies. Opened some mail (that had been around for more than 24 hrs) - CDs, LP, tax return.
Finally figured out how to open a password-protected doc. so I can print it.
Walk at about 5.
Worked on mixing notes for Mitch, first 2 songs - maybe an hr? Get this done by mid-April.
Another 10 p. Adorno — I can’t make 502 LEAR poems, incorporated 100 words from a writing prompt.
Watched a UK movie w/ Myrna Loy, If This Be Sin (Gregory Ratoff 1949).
Read first section of Ariana Reines, Mercury. Lights out 12:30.