
Up 7:40.
Made coffee, read 50 p. (inc. the celebrated “Liner Notes” transitional section) of Lethem by 9. He’s got critics and SF cons pegged.
Exercise. Form notes, 10 R&B songs - inc. Ray Charles’ first appearance.
Bree and I got a stew/braise going — osso bucco, in the freezer from my last trip to the farmer’s market two Sundays ago, which takes hours to tenderize — so we’d have it for dinner.
Walk. Back about 11:40.
Decided to put off writing, already delayed, in favor of some family business that’s become more urgent w/ my dad’s episode. (Did write opening of next graf and look up 2 refs. before that.) Worked on that ’til 1:30, w/ some other responses later.
Tried to relax for a while after lunch, then made calls to my dad at the hospital (sounded ok, actually, still waiting for discharge) and the caregiver agency.
Read Lethem while Bree was on a call, about 4-5.
A lot of 1/2 to 1 hr holes in the day - dithering, though also adding vegetables to the stew and other small task.
Took a walk about 6, saw Jennie from the next building in the distance (felt chagrined she had a mask and I didn’t).
Worked 6:30-8, finished a short paragraph.
Had some stew, spent time w/ Bree, watched an episode of The Jimmy Dean Show together from a DVD set Laura loaned us months ago.
Finished quota of Lethem around 11:30. Texted some family members. Lights out soon after.