Up for a while around 4:30, back in bed 6, listened to a podcast, got up again before 9.
Coffee, breakfast. Played side 1 of an LP of Andy Kirk radio air checks, 1944-5.
Form notes, 10 R&B songs - realized I hadn’t gotten back to it yesterday, should do another 5 later today. Wasn’t up to exercise either.
Filled out a mail-in census b/c Bree and I aren’t sure that something we filled out in 2019, maybe the long-form census?, ever got there. (Some Googling suggests it was the irregular American Community Survey. Confusing.)
Worked 11-1. 225 words, not a full graf. Have to finish later. (Response to yesterday’s material was positive.)
Lunch. Bree convinced me not to brave our local p.o., even w/ mask, to send Mitch the drive, so I spent some time (P) signing up for a USPS account and ordering a flat rate box.
Read 50 p. Willie the Lion.
Read Gail Scott’s essay + story in Theory, A Sunday. “Maybe the basic tenet of writing from (or notwithstanding?) a feminist consciousness is simply expressing that which cannot be absorbed into ‘their’ processions — philosophically or in in terms of form.” Later: “Here the matter of what’s unskirtable in feminism…must be able to resist the tendency to create new conventions.” A master’s tools argument; and a tall order.
Exercised and caught up on R&B.
2nd walk.
Came back and looked at my graf, got involved and forgot I was supposed to cook Swiss chard until 7:45. Did that, played other side of Andy Kirk record (w/ an odd Danny Kaye guest shot on “Minnie the Moocher” and a Joni James LP, finished dinner around 9.
Worked another 45 minutes. Sent 2 grafs. Nearing end of “harmony” section, but need a conclusion; giving myself tomorrow off, will try to write it over the following 2-3, send to my readers, and then take a pass at revising/cutting the whole chunk.
That’s about it - hard to have the energy to work on music far into the day.
Lights out 11.