
Up 8. Breakfast - yogurt, oats, seeds/raisins, banana.
Read 30 p. How to Raise and Ox.
Made coffee. Had the last piece of the pie we ordered for Xmas. Sat 15 min.
Edited 10:15-12:15. Getting somewhere on this section - maybe a couple more days to finish?
Read half of a book chapter on Dialectic of Enlightenment by Marcel Stoetzler, from my ridiculously overstuffed pdf. folder.
Lunch - sautéed a meh winter tomato to give it some flavor; 2 eggs.
Set up/updated yearly budget pages, while listening to Wire,10:02.
Piano 30/min - scales, arpeggios, “Dancers in Love,” blues in B.
Rest of the Wire album. 
Tried to devote 30 min. to recording, which in this case meant total failure to get my computer to recognize either Focusrite interface. (I had more success when I gave it a shot a week ago). Gave up b/c Bree was going to need the living room for an hr. Decided to d/l a software update, which is taking hours.
Made more coffee. Worked on radio show 4-5:15; completed the file, have to do the log/playlist.
Finished the D. of E. Piece around 6.
Dinner - last of yesterday’s soup, can of mackerel, a little sliced turkey.
Read to p. 140, Ox - part way through long essay on “Continuous Practice.”
Worked on entering playlist, filling out log, exporting file to dropbox etc. About 90 min., most of it w/ The Go-Between on since I wasn’t listening to music.
Found that I had an email from my bank questioning a couple of charges to bandcamp; they were legit but I usually used PayPal. Had to call to confirm, to avoid having my debit card deactivated. Annoying thing to have to do at 8:30 pm. (There was more of this today than I’m indicating - wrote maintenance check, paid bills online while the internet was slow.) At least I finished the movie on hold. I’d like to know about the two songs sung after the croquet match.
Started Ashbery, Breezeway (2015), about 10 p. Short walk outside. 1 p. Poetry notebook, needed a break, did tomorrow’s crossword. 
Made myself jot down some lyric ideas; I don’t know if anything’s worthwhile, but one of my “resolutions” is to do some daily work - even 30 min. - on songwriting, as well as recording. Have to double up until I get the Superchunk track and the like done.
Lights out just before midnight - would like to get to bed earlier, but I did hit just about everything I meant to.