Up 10. Usual breakfast/coffee. Having a pretty hard time with my mood.
Read part of Blesh chapter on Charlie Christian, with generous material from an interview w/ Ralph Ellison.
Sent a chat request to Focusrite. Decided to try the MIDI cord I bought in the meantime, and it worked. Was able to hear myself and record a couple of passes on the Superchunk song. Need to work on the part a bit more, but this is much closer to doable.
Called dad.
Lunch - arugula/tomato/avodaco salad, a little sliced turkey. Weight was down a little this morning.
Read another 25 p. Blesh, on Eubie Blake.
4-6, editing. Really fussing over last 2 grafs.
Dinner 6-8, chopped and cooked 2 huge bunches of kale. Listened to Russ Lossing, Traces (settings of Dogen) and about 1/2 of Supercollider, s/t.
Called back my uncle Anthony.
Spent 45 min. or so re-learning/charting/transposing Robert Wyatt’s “Signed Curtain” for Douglas Wolk’s birthday party tomorrow. I guess that counts as piano for the day.
Took out recycling, short walk. Monday crossword, listened to the rest of Supercollider.
Finished Blesh. 10 p. Ashbery. 1 p. poetry.