Up 8:30.
Breakfast, coffee.
Watched a couple of news segments.
Carnap reading group 10-11.
Read to p. 153, Loop.
Called dad, 1-2.
Dead period. Played some scales, etc., 10 min. If that. Made more coffee.
Zoom call w/ Laura C. en familie 3:40-5.
Took a walk, earlier than usual. Just needed to clear my head. Ate what was around. Read just a couple of Ashbery poems.
Worked on radio show 7-10. Culled CDs, burned/dl’ed various tracks (wrote a couple of loose-end emails about co-op business while waiting) , assembled the first 20 min. set, dl’ed station announcements from shared folder, started the online playlist. Can start recording the back-chat tomorrow.
Took a break, another short walk. Crossword. Worked on the Superchunk track for a couple hrs. Close, almost there, didn’t get a fully usable take. Lights out 1 am.