3648. Pola Oloixarac, Mona, trans. Adam Morris
3647. Nicholas Stoia, Sweet Thing: The History and Musical Structure of a Shared American Vernacular Form
3646. John Godfrey, City of Corners
3645. Lyn Hejinian, Oxota: A Short Russian Novel
3644. John Godfrey, Midnight on Your Left
3643. Natalia Ginzburg, The House and the City, trans. Dick Davis
3642. Hans Magnus Enzensberger, The Number Devil, trans. Michael Henry Helm
3641. Francis Ponge, The Partisan of Things, trans. Joshua Corey and Jean-Luc Garneau
3640. Bethany Klein, Selling Out: Culture, Commerce and Popular Music
3639. Ivan Turgenev, First Love, trans. Isaiah Berlin
3638. Stéphane Bouquet, The Next Loves, trans. Lindsay Turner
3637. Katy Bohinc, Scorpio
3645. Catherine Clément, The Weary Songs of Freud, trans. Nicole Ball
3644. George A. Reisch, To The Icy Slopes of Logic: How the Cold War Transformed Philosophy of Science