
Up 5:30, watched some late night clips, listened to some of a podcast about John Cage while making breakfast.
Watched another scene or two of Hallelujah!
Coffee at E77, worked 8:30-10:30. Same chunk as last night, got a bit better, added a bit on “Brown-Eyed Handsome Man.”
Started cooking some zucchini before therapy at 11.
Had lunch, didn’t do a great deal noon-2 pm; some posting.
Cleaned kitchen at 2. 
Pruned a bunch of email, some replies, listened to songs in press links, etc. Had a strange sub-B movie on called Madonna of the Desert on in the background. Wrote to RJ Smith w/ a quick precise of my PopCon proposal; he replied later that it sounded like a good fit.
Listened to more of the Cage podcast, read 10 p. Lakatos, needed a nap.
Took out some recycling, got myself out the door 6:40.
Read 10 more p. Lakatos on the train.

- learned that “enthyme” (as in missing/tacit premise) roughly mens “held in mind.” Same root as “thymus.” Never thought of this before.

- “I abhor your pretentious ‘insight.’ I respect conscious guessing, because it comes from the best human qualities: courage and modesty.” (30)

Started Steve Larson “What Makes a Good Bridge?” Finished that article over a bowl of noodles and cucumber salad. 
Show at the Brick, near Union Pool. Emily Hope Price, cello, voice, pedals/loops - good player; Alba Par (a duo, Clara Elena Montes and Fransicso Pino) doing electric gtr + effects arrangements of 14th-16th c. chanson, w/ some Purcell + Dowling thrown in; James Moore & Andie Tanning, resonator and fiddle, an art-folk kind of thing, w/ some versions of excerpts from Robert Ashley operas and settings (really, spoken w/ backing) of James Tate. Didn’t love every second but an interesting evening.
Read 25 p. Mackey on the train back.

- “Tonal/motion made me weep. I saw no way to/stay where I was, be where I was, what-/ever I was moved on, moved over.”

- “Sang not to sing but to say what song/reneged on.”

Should look up a couple of words.
Home 11:30. Couple small domestic tasks, logged in w/ the writing group. Went to bad after 1 am.