
Awake for a while at 4. Went back to sleep, had a long terrible dream (in the losing something genre), up at 8.
Talked to Bree 8:30-9:30.
Read 30 p. Mackey, 10 p. Lakatos.
Badly needed nap, 10:30-noon
Would have liked to go out to write, but realized I’d scheduled grocery delivery from 2-4. Went out at 12:20 more briefly for a bite of lunch (& to get some steps in).
Came back, ate, worked 1/2 hr before delivery.
Unproductive 2:30-4:15, except that I closed some tabs.
Finally went out at 4:30, worked 2 hrs. Starting to get involved in this section.
Came home, zoned out for a while, got into a couple twitter exchanges, tried to do a couple of other online tasks. Trackpad was acting up, a restart seemed to fix it but it made me nervous.
Read EN’s comments on the Adorno section of my intro chapter; helpful. Wrote her back on a couple points.
Read another 10 p. Lakatos:

— “Heuristic is concerned with language-dynamics, while logic is concerned with language-statics.” (93)
— “For any proposition there is always some sufficiently narrow interpretation of its terms, such that it turns out true, and some sufficiently wide interpretations such that it turns out false.” (99)
— “Gibberish is safe from refutations.” (102) [A bit Popperish, that.]

Read another section of Unmark; some post-apocalyptic prose poems. Watched some SNL clips. Lights out 1.