
Up 7:30; slept through. Weight 205 (was lower yesterday, but lost about 2 lbs. last week.)
Breakfast, coffee, watched Last Week Tonight.
Did a bunch of tasks/chores 9-10:30. Started passport renewal procedure (have to get photo); several emails; took out trash/recycling and replaced roach traps; got mail. Had a Jackie Cooper movie called The Abe Lincoln of Ninth Avenue (1939, William Nigh) on. Very “East Side”/Bowery Boys; the other newsboys were named Spike, Jiggsy, and Flatfoot.
Talked to Bree briefly about where to get passport photo. Spend the next few hours doing that, getting everything else for the application together, and finding a FedEx, which took 90 min. Of walking around Jackson Heights, as 2 drop-offs were closed; finally found one that seemed mostly to be shipping large boxes of fufu flour. Had to call my dad during this quest to postpone our call. Listened to rest of the Claudia Quintet album; quite good.
Ate steamed momos in Diversity Plaza, as they call the no-cars block of 37th Rd.
Therapy 3-4.
Remembered other small tasks: got an invite for the KSPC Discord, looked for something in Queens Library catalog (but I think I need a new card). Tidied desk. 
Put some turkey and Brussel sprouts in the oven before I called my dad, 5:30-6:30.
Ate, then worked at E77 About 7:45-9:15. Ken Lauterbach came in, chatted briefly but he saw I was working (and Macgregor was outside). 
Half-watched a British TV suspense drama, didn’t have the energy to read. Lights out 10:30.