
Having trouble keeping up, going to make these more succinct.
Up 2 am, read some Thorn and started Kevin Davies’ FPO (final public offering?)
Back to bed eventually, not up until 9.
3 p. In notebook.
Usual dithering.
Went out sometime after lunch, worked at (yet another) Starbucks; 30 min. on Laura’s lyric, 90 on Williams. Spinning wheels.
Couple groceries, home 5:30. More Thorn, should finish it tomorrow. Practices Bach and started trying to learn Schubert’s 3rd “musical moment.”
Dinner, Jeopardy!, watched the last 1/3 or so of Strangers on a Train w/ Dad.
Listened to an earlier demo of Laura’s song to remember the bridge (more or less what I recalled). Lights out 10-ish.