Up 9:30, quite a bit later than I’d intended (my phone was charging in the other room, so no alarm). Got myself together to leave in by about 10:50, made my train at Penn Station. Read a bit of the transference book, had to call my dad b/c there won’t be any other time until Monday.
Got in at 1:30, Brian picked me up, went to the bookstore at Time Space Limited, bought a few cheap CDs, a beat up copy of the big Lucia Berlin collection, and the 5-book set of translations of/commentary on Wagner’s Ring cycle that had been there since my last visit 4-5 months ago. Asked if the price was firm, but the clerk kinda shamed me.
Grocery shopping; came back to Jenny & Brian’s house in Catskill, took a rapid COVID test (negative) so no one would be worried (there was an email thread about everyone’s testing status); started cooking dinner as the rest of the weekend guests arrived (Kristin, Derek, Trip, Stefan & Amy, still waiting on Andrew & his gf).
Made pasta + sauce, split between sausage and eggplant/zucchini for the vegetarians. Ate around 8. Generally regarded as successful which was a relief. Some fairly amazing local ice cream — yuzu labneh and date shake — for dessert.
Karaoke (“The Cutter” and “Ladies Who Lunch”), also played some piano for other people singing through the awful effects on their karaoke. Did a couple of card tricks, more successfully than Thanksgiving. Round of Cards against of Humanity — I’ve never been too good at it. Drank, but not excessively - Andrew makes a good boulevardier.
Lights out midnight.