Initially, self-published songs and those in the public domain were seen by record companies as a bottom-line method of reducing statutory royalty commitments—and not as future nest eggs. The return was even better when a label owner was a designated songwriter. At best, the system, which was feudal in nature, did encourage the writing and use of new songs. However, through the years, there has been a growing perception of injustice at writer shares accredited to record men.
John Broven, Record Makers and Record Breakers, 300.
2 weeks today since 2nd shot. Bree will hit that on 5/19, just as the city “reopens.” We haven’t decided what we can and can’t do.
Up 9. Breakfast. My new coffee (from a subscription service) is from Peru and is said to have a “pleasantly sticky body.”
Slow start. Watched some cooking videos and some of Laurie Anderson’s 3rd Norton lecture.
Read 2 JA poems. 2 p. in poetry notebook (skipped yesterday).
Worked on the same section, 3-6 pm. Frustrating, not cracking it.
Attended Pop Music Books in Process Zoom session on singer-songwriters; asked not-stupid questions about Randy Newman and W.C. Handy (re Joni’s “Furry Sings the Blues”).
Read 30 p. Broven.
Put on a new water bottle. Short walk outside. Put out some roach traps.
Read 10 p. Fanon.
Went to bed at 11, marketing book.