
[North Africans in Algeria believed that] A woman who temporarily bound her husband because he had been unfaithful was, according to the collective’s ethics, justified in doing so. Making a man totally and permanently impotent was not justifiable; such actions were carried out under the influence of ‘Chitan’ (Satan). The spell could be cast in a number of different ways, ranging from tricking a man into stepping over an open knife or a new mirror, to inscribing a goat’s horn with magical formulae and throwing it into a cemetery.”

— David Macey, Frantz Fanon, 238

Had to deal w/ internet re-wire today; Verizon technician came around 10, but found that a hole needed to be drilled; contacted his contractor, who came in the early afternoon; that work got done, but we didn’t hear from the 1st guy to finish the job. Called customer service, turns out they can’t do anything until one other piece of work is done, then we’ll be contacted - but we weren’t informed very well about this. In the meantime, our internet has been off except for phone access, which is why I hadn’t posted the last couple entries. Eventually figured out to use Bree’s phone and my iPad as personal hotspots, around 4 pm, which I guess will be ok for a few days though it might be running up the callphone bill, not sure.

All that back and forth took up a lot of the day. Otherwise, read 30 p. Fanon bio - picking up the pace now that I’m done w/ the Broven, still on track to finish by the end of the month. Wrote in poetry notebook.
Called dad. He’s been to a neurologist for an EEG, and has recently replaced the tennis balls on his walker.
Watched Farewell, My Lovely (Dick Richards 1975) w/ Robert Mitchum, later in the evening started watching A Man Vanishes (Shohei Inamamura 1967).
Listened to the first side of v. 1, Love Saved The Day (LP comps accompanying a book on 1970s dance music/culture) - most of it taken up by Chuck Mangione’s strange “Land of Make Believe.”
It doesn’t seem as though a great deal else happened.
Lights out 11-ish.