While attending an Alec Wilder memorial concert in New York in 1992, I ran into Mitch Miller, still a commanding figure although well into his eighties. Locked in an elevator with him, I asked if it was true that he had criticized rock ’n’ roll in the late 1950s as being “no more than ‘three chords’.” “Too right,” the great man retorted, and “that was being fucking generous!”
— John Broven, Record Makers and Breakers, 90
Up 7:30. Weighed 216.2, a little down. Coffee, breakfast, hand exercise.
Read 10 p. Fanon bio, chapter of Deep Work.
Worked 11:00-1:30, though only productive for 2 hrs. Of that. Wrote about minor blues, started trying to improve section on 8-bar blues.
Looked at info on roach traps w/ Bree; ordered something a little higher-grade than Roach Motels later on.
Ordered Thai food.
Read 30 p. Broven. Short walk outside. Raining.
Went to bed 11, skimmed more of Deep Work e-book, ch. of Cluny Brown.