
Were they in love with each other? Cluny could only have answered, she supposed so. All she knew consciously of love were its preliminaries as taught by the movies, and these she and Belinski had skipped: they had met at the centre of the maze, not on its outer rim: they accepted each other simply and finally as the basic fact of their joint lives.

— Margery Sharp, Cluny Brown

Up 6:00. Slept alright. 218.
Read Cluny Brown in bed. 5 p. Fanon bio
Breakfast, coffee. 
Watched the rest of Aleph. Looked up an Argentinian pop song in the soundtrack - Sandro, “Trigal” (Wheat/cornfield).
3 JA poems.
Rod posted the essay; I posted it on FB and twitter (to muted response).
Another 5 p. Fanon bio. Spent an hour (maybe 45 min.) on harmony, wrote a staff of voice leading exercises, tried them on the piano.
Took a walk to the park, read 30 p. Broven. Listened to 1st half of Dry Cleaning, New Long Leg walking back. Out maybe 90 min.
Did more of the Viable pre-mastering. Funny, the songs from the Flag Pin EP didn’t need it - actually came back quieter when they went through the algorithm.
Read a long essay on moral education by Michael Clune in the Chronicle of Higher Ed. Thought the position was going to be more one-dimensional.
Took out recycling; short walk outside.
Notebook poem. 
Lights out 11:30