
The Bibliotheque Schlechter…is Fort-de-France’s strangest public building. Built of cast-iron and glass, designed to resemble a pagoda, decorated with colored mosaics and surmounted by a glass dome, it was first erected in the Tuilieries gardens in Paris in 1887 and then dismantled and shipped in pieces to Martinique, where it was re-erected on a swampy patch of ground adjacent to the Savanne in 1893.

— David Macey, Frantz Fanon, 60.

Up 7. Breakfast/coffee.
Read/watched a few things online - I have too many open tabs again.
The 2nd shot hit Bree, about 24 hrs. later - she spent some of the day in bed.
Ordered a cast iron pan and dutch oven, after months of wanting to; last of some kitchen tools I’d budgeted for, though I think we need a new can opener.
Wrote for an hour. Not enough.
Therapy 1-2.
Didn’t accomplish much 2-5 — tweeted about Scat putting some Nothing Painted Blue d/l’s up, which rec’d more response than I’d expected and required various replies; also did a thread about what I’m buying for (the last?) Bandcamp Friday.
Read 30 p. Broven, 10 p. Fanon - with various breaks, that took me until nearly 9.
Spent 45 min. on harmony, fooled around at the piano for a bit afterwards.
Watched part of a keynote (Ann Powers interviewing a bunch of musicians inc. Roisin Murphy) from the Pop Con a couple weeks back.
Took out recycling, short walk outside.
Couple of JA poems. 
Lights out 11.