
As I gazed at the quiet rubble, one thing
Puzzled me: What had happened, and why?
One minute we were up to our necks in rebelliousness,
And the next, peace had subdued the ranks of hellishness.”

—John Ashbery, “A Worldly Country,” A Worldly Country, 1.

Up 9; was out of bed a couple times during the night.
Went to Caffe Bene, sat outside, read a bit of Ginzburg, 2 more Ashbery poems, two essays on Bruce Nauman. 
Wrote 3 p. In notebook, sort of about MoMa.
Most of the day was taken up with laundry (we hadn’t done it in weeks). I don’t think details are necessary.
Also called my dad. 
Read a Pirandello story in the Italian anthology. Updated the monthly finances. If I did anything more of interest in the evening, I’ve forgotten it. Quite tired much of the day, and also felt like I might be catching cold. In bed near 10, a little Ginzburg and a few pages of Dogen.