Up 7:00. Weight 214.2
Exercised 10 min. (missed yesterday). Left 8:30, read McCullough at coffee, at Oracle by 9:30. Spent a while looking at and old talk/paper, "Wittgenstein Abuse," b/c a student in Dublin wrote asking about it (I sent it, though it needs work if I ever mean to publish it). Wrote about 11-1:30, longish graf on Eubie Blake and Noble Sissle, 500 words. Kept at Starr when I came home but fell asleep for an hr. Watched the local Halloween parade w/ Bree. Mainly email/tasks after 7: rec'd the songs from Allen's WFMU set from Gaylord, sent "State Trooper" off to the cassette comp (hoping it's in time). Heard from Brian McPherson about licensing the cover songs on Work From Home, started looking into it via the Harry Fox website. Annoyingly, Strayhorn/Ellington's "Strange Feeling" is only 30% through HFA, and the Mekons' "Last Dance" isn't there at all, so it will take further research to track down the publishers if I want to do this correctly. Finished McCullough's Double Venus - the title sequence is very earnest, open-fieldish (a few words printed sideways) w/ an air of pantheism. Oppen a presence; tend to get more out of the separately titled poems ("Resistance in the Materials") than the rest. Tried to update my to-do list. Overwhelmed. Played a little guitar before before bed - thing I worked out the coda to "Enemies of Song." Lights out 12:30.