Up at 5:30 am. Weight 213.1.
Paid/reimbursed the band via PayPal as promised. Got coffee and started some notes that turned into a graf on Gershwin's "classical" background, 7 to 8. Or so. Napped when I got back. Exercised 10 min. (1st since NC, b/c I'd made myself put it on yesterday's to-do list). Left again before noon, found a notary (2nd floor law office, just walked in) to deal w/ something I have to return to my dad, had lunch, got to Oracle around 1:30. Worked off an on until 7 - finished the graf on Blake/Sissle/Shuffle Along and a reasonably cogent 427 words on Berlin, "Everybody Step." (Longer than what I lost, but probably better.) Found a pdf of "Lady Of the Evening" to download for tomorrow. Talked to David, the novelist who's always there for a while - he's worried about writers critical of Trump being jailed as enemy combatants or seditious.
Left before 8, went to the Park Church Co-op in Greenpoint (border of Wmbrg, really) to hear Rose and Bob Bannister at a benefit for a sexual abuse charity (+ to give them their copies of the Iowa 4-track comp.) Running way behind; read my quota of the G. reader and they still hadn't started; left for a slice down the block, eavesdropped on a long conversation between the staff and a regular who wanted a deal on dozens of canoli for his construction crew. Came back, had missed on act, saw Public Speaking - one guy on electronic loop + two violinists, plus back projections. Came off gothy in the space. Wrote 2 1-p. poems in my daybook during their set, chatted w/ Rick Brown in between - turns out Easter and Stamey had recorded some Information material years ago. Rose and Bob were as good as I've seen them, though her gtr was undermic'd; she read some written-out intros the songs about her relationship to "religiously motivated misogyny" and the p.o.v. of murder ballads. Covered Leonard Cohen's "The Story of Isaac" (very effectively); recalled that John and I had played it in a Pitzer auditorium something like 25 years ago. Didn't stay for the last act.
Listened to Shostakovich's last quartet on the walk to the train, finished Ashbery on the ride. Home midnight, lights out 1.