Up at 8:30. Weight 213.3.
Left at 10, had coffee at the new flower/gift shop in the neighborhood for a change. Read another 25 p. or so of Ashbery. "Of course you handed it so well/a rough day/getting on the phone/bee sculptures/fiber building/car surgery//wedding of the painted doll--" ("Land Mass"). "They seemed so beautiful together,/my ward and homeland security./If these are omens let us pray to pend them./Otherwise it's back to the American Revolution, and you know/what that was like. […] ("Dorothy Vernon of Haddon Hall") Kept at Gerswhin reader. His self-authored articles (to what extent??) are often self-serving and his notion of "jazz" is barely recognizable. Train to Oracle was unattractive in heavy rain, so just went on to E77 for another coffee, spoke briefly to my neighbor Holly, started reconstructing my Sissle/Black graf, then conversed with Ken L. about music theory for quite a while. Came back to the house about 2:30, read to my goal in Gershwin (re-read, really: long excerpts from a book on Grant Willard Still I've looked at, and Richard Crawford's "I Got Rhythm" article - which chooses not to mention the Still issue at all).
I feel like I shouldn't be on facebook at all, at least re politics. "Social media is designed to cultivate and facilitate the projection of ego while simultaneously maintaining the delusion of audience."
Slow afternoon: I can't now remember anything worth recording. Finally went out again at 6:30 and spent 2 hrs on email and task management. At home, read a few pages each of Wendell V. Harris, Interpretive Acts In Search of Meaning (Clarendon 1986) and Hartman's Verse. Tired all day; bed before 10 pm, w/ Shostakovich Q3.