
Up at 7. Weight 213.4 (a little surprising, as I ate 2 donuts yesterday).

Left around 9, spend some time at E77. Read a long 1967 interview w/ Saul Alinsky. Talked election w/ my across-the-street neighbor Kristin, and also floated the idea of getting some help w/ the Work From Home cassette cover. Ran into Jenny U. (neighbor/SUNY Purchase colleague) on the way to the train, had a similar political discussion. At Oracle between noon-1, dithered quite a bit, to be honest. Getting back to writing about Tin Pan Alley is not easy right now. Read a little farther into the Gershwin reader, fooled around with a piano idea (tent. "Sad and Afraid"). Physically forced myself to work on Gershwin, beginning at 3:30 - but realized that I had somehow deleted my working draft of that section! I don't think it's impossible to reconstruct the content (the prose wasn't magical), and I sometimes end up with a tighter version in such situations, but it's still some lost time. Running a recovery scan anyway; started a new draft in the meantime, with a whopping 238 word graf (that turns out to be an ok spot to mention "Barney Google"). This is still more than I've written in the 2 days since returning. Oracle closed a bit early for an event; home before 9. Finished quota of Gershwin, talked w/ Bree before bed; daybook. Lights out 1 am.

The woman attacked in this incident is a friend of mine - a poet.