Up 8. Weight same.
Started Rosenberg's George + Ira book more in earnest at coffee. Hagiographic, but detailed. Went to Oracle, assembled some TPA chunks into one file (overlong, as usual), worked on polishing a couple of grafs, nearly at random. Called Claudia Gonson about SM interview, worked on correspondence until 6. Rode down to Berl's Poetry Shop to hear David Nagler give a solo version of some of the songs from his Carl Sandburg project, and read a few poems he didn't set. One, I think with "Telephone Pole" in the title, beginning "I am a copper wire…" sounded on this occasion like Suzanne Vega. Wrote quite a bit in daybook during the set. He hasn't had a chance to listen to "Enemies of Song" for the possible orchestration, but I hung out a little with him and his wife Theresa, Richard Martin, and Beth from Bird of Youth. Bought four books (I've been good since Rhinebeck) - collected Gil Ott, Erika Meister Copia (an interesting interviewee of Rachel Zucker's I had never heard of), Alicia Cohen Coherer (just looked good on a flip), and Garrett Caples' 2014 book of essays Retrievals. Headed home, read a bit of Suzanne Doppelt, Lazy Suzie (trans. Cole Swensen, prose poetry loosely around photography/camera obscura themes). Lights out 1.