Up 7:30. Dithered, looked up a piano transcription of “Black Beauty.” Coffee 9:30. Wrote up comments on Drew Gardner’s “proto-flarf” anthology intro, about 2 hrs. Came home: Bree out. Rested, made lunch, ordered a used copy of Ingrid Monson, Saying Something online. Put on Ellington, started a forced march through email. That turned into other mundane tasks; by 3, it didn’t seem feasible to try to get to the library to write. (Working past 11 on that intro set all this in motion, but it’s off the table.) Other interruptions: tech support call from dad, return call from doctor Bree might start seeing, old CD-R stuck in computer, requiring multiple logoffs/reboots. Left around 5:30; read Feist on train to the Kitchen. Free screening of Metropolis Video’s long-unseen public access shoots of various bands at CBGB’s in 1975: Hell/Thunders Heartbreakers, Blondie (pre-Destri, no keys), The Tuff Darts, the obscure Orchestra Luna (somewhere between the Tubes and Kid Creole, w/ Karla Devito fronting), and 40 min. of 3-piece Talking Heads footage, w/ more songs from Buildings and Food than 77. Q&A with Will Hermes and the video-makers; stuck around to say hi to Will briefly. Read the rest of the Feist on the way home; brisk, self-serving overview of “songpublishing” by the son/heir of one of the early TPA houses. Notable that David Sanjek is credited as a consultant. Prose mostly colorless but learned a few interesting details: I should have known that statutory mechanical royalty rates are maximums; publishers can’t negotiate higher ones! Read a few p. of the translator’s intro to Nicole Brossard, French Kiss. Home 10:30. Lights out 11; started listening to a dharma talk, but fell asleep quickly.