Up 8, left at 10. Spent an hr or so at E77 doing online promo for upcoming shows, email. To library, worked on intro from 1-4:30. Did something resembling last 2 grafs of section, but it all needs a once- or twice-over. Met Laura and Pete at a rehearsal studio in the mid-30s to rehearse Sat. set. It’ll be fine. From there to David Nagler’s space in DUMBO. Ran into the bros. Baluyut in the hallway – they’re playing a Pacific Ocean set at Chickfactor tomorrow, which I can’t go to. Listend to David and Jessica Pavone work out “Famous Blue Raincoat” and “Venus in Furs,” which involved retuning her viola, then ran through “Dress” – finally decided not to just sing, w/o gtr. Stopped in Berl’s Poetry Shop on the way to train, said hi to Jared, bought the W.D. Snodgrass chapbook of translations from the Minnesinger that I’d eyed last time. Train home – read most of the rest of Monson, inc. close reading of this Jaki Byard recording over the course of the day. Home 11, lights out 12.
[Sallie Martin Singers, “Ain’t That Good News” to Marian Anderson, “Ain’t Gonna Grieve”]