Up at 6. Got coffee, finished Monson. Rehearsed “My Old Man” with Bree. Train to library around noon. Had a bite, got to library, worked on intro 1-6. Not bad: Cut down the first half of the current section to about 2K. Getting there. Headed to Sid Gold’s for David Nagler’s show. Chatted w/ Jennifer O’Connor. Sang “Dress,” with Jessica Pavone on violin, about 2/3 way through the set – pretty decent, except Joe McGinty blasted some feedback while working the mics w/ the iPod Mixer. Jennifer was quite good – “Dress You Up,” “We Don’t Have To Take Our Clothes Off,” and “Raspberry Beret.” Home around 11, visited w/ Bree, watched an episode of the Menendez miniseries, lights out 12:30.
[Karen Lake, “Air Mail, Special Delivery” to Alabama, “Neil Young”]