In and out of bed all night. Got up for good around 7, listened to some of Mal Waldron’s Meditations. Left about 9, went to a breakfast/coffee place in Winston-Salem, only stayed about 30 min. Checked out the other branch of McKay Books, picked up Peter Doggett’s Electric Shock, a Leslie Scalapino collection, and O’Jays and Aretha CDs. Listened to Mary Timony’s Ex Hex (her last solo album before forming the band of same name, very good and ignored at the time) and some of a Latin jazz CD I’d bought from the artists at Le Terraza a while back. Got back around 1, finished lyrics to “Sad and Afraid” (which I’d been thinking about off and on while out), went in to the studio, practiced it while Mitch comped, recorded it in 2 piano/vocal takes around 3 pm. Edited those into an acceptable comp, talked for a while and let him get back to work. Went to dinner at the nearby Mexican place around 7, came back, looked back in at 9, played piano aimlessly for an hr., paid Mitch, made arrangements to pick up the drive tomorrow, went to bed at 10 or 11.