Up about 4; read, tried to go back to bed at 6:30. My mother had a fall by the washing machine just before 7; the caregiver got me up. We were at the ER from 8:30 utnil around 5 pm. Omitting the blow-by-blow, but she has a small fracture in her right femur, not all the way through the bone; is supposed to heal, required physical therapy rather than surgery. In the meantime, it left her somewhat disoriented and we are helping her move (to bed, bathroom). Saw the Christmas short w/ J. Carrol Naish on TCM after we were settled back at home, and the first part of Meet Me In St. Louis – I don’t think I could stand watching Margaret O’Brien die tonight.
Sleep deprived, w/o usual nap; went to bed around 10 w/ a Thin Man movie playing on my laptop. Have to admit I’ve had a cold developing the last 2-3 days. No writing (or time alone, period). Managed to read, mostly at the hospital, 50 p. Levine, 3 ch. GHA (Naples, Mahagonny, Horkeimer/Fromm), and a few poets in Poetry – I’ll admit begrudgingly that Andrew Motion has a few good lines. Scrawled something in the daybook.
Extremely difficult day.