Up 4:30; read about 30 p. Levine (trickster tales). Went out to the Spot (an otherok coffee place on Mountain Avenue), worked from 7:30-11. A little balled up about how much to say about folk revivalism at this point; wrote something I may cut, started looking at an important graf on race. Picked up some things from Smart & Final, nearby. Came home, read a ch. of GHA (on the Institute for Social Research as originally housed in Frankfurt; informative), napped until 1:30. Left w/ Bree for family Xmas shopping at Kohl’s, Target, Trader Joe’s; bought myself a planner an a small notebook in the odd Japanese notions store next to the latter. Finished the Jepsen CD, which mainly gave the impression of syntactic well-formedness. Tried to buy sausage for dinner at Claro’s, but the line for the deli counter was ridiculous (they were on 99 when I took number 16). Dropped Bree at home and went back out to Sprouts to reserve a prime rib (choice, actually) for Xmas Eve dinner, took time for myself to go to the Goodwill on Foothill (found a Cage/Harrison/Partch CD, virtually the only one of any interest unless I decide I need to explore Alan Jackson and Vince Gill), Chomsky’s Syntactic Structures (speaking of grammaticality), and an r&b piano instruction book (not sure of the vintage, but not recent). Drove through El Pollo Loco to pick up dinner for parents; back 5:45. Changed, and went w/ Bree to the Fox Theater in Pomona for Kyle and Annalee’s kids’ school’s Holiday Sing. Poked my head into the local artists’ shop next door after parking the car, almost bought a book on Levinas from a table outside, maybe the last remains of the amazing used stock they had a year ago. Some questionable choreography, a rewrite of Taio Cruz’ “Dynamite” (“Candlelight”) and something called “Santa’s Getting Fit.” Clear highlight, a rather sweetly harmonized Hannukah song called “One Candle.” Wrote my daybook poem during a Kwanzaa number. Had a bite with K&A + their kids at El Merendero across the street. Disc One of Ellington ended on the way home, put on Independent Music for Independent Coffee Drinkers, Volume One, a comp I’d picked up somewhere b/c it had 2 songs by Pete Galub’s friend Django Haskins (as The Old Ceremony), at least one of which, “Poison Pen,” is strong. Most of the rest is NPR wannabie singer-songwriter stuff, some good playing. Home before 10, read Levine until Bree wanted to turn out the light, 11.