Up 5-7. Back to bed, listened to a 5049 episode w/ Theresa Wong (dauntingly accomplished cellist).
Left about 9. Train/breakfast/coffee: Read about 10 p. of Isacoff, then got into the Modiano.
At Schwarzman a little after 10. Spend a couple hrs. w/ old issues of Forced Exposure, looking for Salem 66 reviews - one live, and A Ripping Spin, but no mention of the later records, which is telling.
Went to MoMa to see Three For the Show (1955, H.C. Potter, w/ Betty Grable, Marge & Gower Champion, Jack Lemmon, and some outlandish Jack Cole choreography). It’s not great, and I realized I’d seen it before, but I needed to give myself the break.
Went to the Hilton nearby and found a place to call Jenny; talked about stuff related to the PopCon talk for maybe 45 min.
Haven’t been able to nail down a time with Beth Kaplan.
Madiano on train home. Went to E77, tried to write an hr. or so.
Rested at home, helped Bree change sheets, read more (the Isacoff is pretty dense), daybook poem.
In bed 10:30; listened to a dharma talk about “not-self.”