Up 8. Slow start.
Worked on opening of talk at E77, 11-1.
Had planned to hit the library again, but honestly could not face the cold and the rain and the sky and the F train.
Let myself drift at home until 3. Braxton CD and Taylor DVD came in the mail. Made a to-do list.
Read 25 p. Isacoff. Giordano Bruno comes up.
Read a few poems in Ash. Good, esp. the menacing “Desert Song,” but I’m distracted.
Called Stephen Smith to talk about Salem 66. Good guy.
Called my dad, since I had time.
Finished Ash. He’s one of my favorite poets, truth be told.
Beth Kaplan from Salem 66 got back to me via facebook; hope to have a phone conversation this weekend.
Some tidying, emailed my uncle, arranged a ride (from someone else) from Ontario Airport next week. I have a bigger email backlog (100+) than is usual.
Went to drugstore for Bree.
Read a few pages of Patrick Modiano, Missing Person.
Lights out 12:45.