Up 8.
Went to Claremont at 10 atto meet Mark & Joel for coffee; good to catch up. Mark gave me a copy of a new Pelekenisis book by, apparently, “the poet laureate of Anaheim.” After they left around 11:15, I read my quota of Pankey and wrote daybook poem.
Met my grad school colleague Alex Rajczi at the Meat Cellar for lunch - he had asked me for some possible readings (criticism that might change someone’s opinion/appreciation of an artwork) for an aesthetics class. Had a few ideas.
Another coffee date at fell through; rescheduled. Bought issues #3-5 of the DC Snagglepuss reboot at the Claremont comics shop, checked out the prison charity bookstore again. They’d gotten in some recent poetry since 2 weeks ago (I have a feeling this stuff comes from submissions for the Kingsley Tufts Award or some critic assoc. w/ the colleges). Picked up, for $2.50 each, Ronaldo V. Wilson, Poems of the Black Object; Rachel Zolf, Janey’s Arcadia; Michael Palmer, The Laughter of the Sphinx; Denise Riley, Selected Poems; Jason Morphey, Dead Boy, an older copy of Tim Dlugos, Enter Nous, and a $1 CD of the last St. Vincent album.
Listened to most of Tsunami, Deep End in the car over the course of the day. It’s been a long time! The songs, performances, and vocals still have a lot of energy and, for me, resonance - but someone should remix it.
Home before 5. Printed and filled out some medical forms for dad’s appt. tomorrow.
Dinner, Jeopardy! Watched the last episode of Barry, read quota of Artistic License and the 3 issues of Snagglepuss; still need to track down #2.
In bed before 11.