Up 7:45.
Watched the first episode of Barry (Bill Hader’s hit-man-in-an-acting-class HBO dramedy) after breakfast.
A couple of family calls for Mother’s Day - spoke briefly to my dad’s brother Joseph and my cousin Toni after they said hi to my mom.
Found a suitable Mother’s Day card in the playroom. Gathered (yesterday + today) some books I might try to sell in L.A. on Thurs.
Practiced card tricks to show JL’s kids on Wed. Played “Bye-Ya.”
Came up with a verse melody in the shower - realized it was pretty close to “Pulling Mussels from a Shell.”
Left around 11. Upland Starbuck’s - read 30 p. of Pankey (“What comfort a refrain when it returns—/The same words sung again yet somehow changed”).
Cleared a good bit of email. Enjoyed this new Laura Marlin/Mike Lindsay song.
Worked at Ontario Library 1-4 (when they closed). Didn’t get back to the McCrae.
Can’t recall what I did between then and going home for dinner.
Another low-key evening. Didn’t find the energy to start a new book. Wrote daybook poem at some point but don’t recall when.
(Binge?)-watched remaining DVR’d episodes of Barry. Not sure when I went to bed/sleep.