Pop Conference in Seattle went well (my paper included); not going to attempt a report.
Read 1st 1/3 of Jordan Davis, Shell Game, on place, did a daybook poem. Arrived at Ontario Airport around 4 pm; Kyle drove me to my parents.
Caught up on how things are going here, fooled around on the piano 15-20 min., had dinner, watched Jeopardy w/ my dad, and a silly episode of Screen Directors’ Playhouse (w/ Jeanette Macdonald, Laraine Day, and Leo Durocher) that I DVR’d from TCM months ago.
Went to bed around 10. (Was relatively sleepless in Seattle!)
Up for a while around 3, fell back asleep to a YouTube of a MoMa conversation on Adrian Piper.
Up for good around 6. Routine around the house looks like I’m needed to keep an eye on mom until around 9-10.
Checked that the car I usually use here would start, went out to Sanctuary Coffee in Claremont (maybe its Pomona), started work on the revision of Richard Middleton’s “Bridge” entry in Bloomsbury (formerly Continuum) pop encyclopedia. 10-1, wrote around 500 words, some of it quite close to my book — the main thing here will be strategizing about what to include given the available length (around 2000, maybe can push to 2500).
Tried to go to Claremont Library book sale - but the library’s closed for renovation until fall.
Dropped by the mostly-media Goodwill on the way back; 3 classical CDs (Rameau, Gesualdo, and Britten), a nice older hardcover w/dustjacket of the play-script of Moss Hart’s Lady in the Dark, and a pb of Everett’s Erasure, which I’ve read but don’t own.
Back to the house before 2. Cleared some email; saw confirmations of 2 of my 3 grant rec. letters. Wrote a reminder to 3rd.
Visits from my mom’s nurse and a clinical social worker/therapist who comes every two weeks; this started while I was gone, so I hadn’t met either.
Watched part of a Penny Singleton Blondie movie. Dinner w/ parents at 7. Watched Jeopardy w/dad.
Went to Upland Starbucks a little after 8. Read farther into Huysmans, Parisian Sketches, which I’ve been dipping into since before I left NY. Falls between Zola and Baudelaire, I guess - hard to get traction in current state of mind. Daybook poem.
Home; lights out by 11.
(Listened to Exile on Guyville over course of the day.)