Samuel Beckett, Nohow On
Wayne Booth et al, The Craft of Research
Carrie Olivia Adams, Intervening Absence
Isaac Goldberg, George Gershwin
Vicki Ohl, Fine and Dandy: The Life and Work of Kay Swift
Marjoie Welish, So What So That
Carrie Jacobs Bond, Roads of Melody
David Thomson, How To Watch a Movie
Susan Choi, Trust Exercise
Caroline Blackwood, The Fate of Mary Rose
Willard Gaylin, How Psychotherapy Really Works
Juliana Spahr, DuBois’s Telegram: Literary Resistance and State Containment
John Koethe, Falling Water
Kevin Goodman, Anaphora
Connie Deanovich, Watusi Titanic
Joan Peyser, The Memory of All That: The Life of George Gershwin
Elisa Gabbert, The Word Pretty