February 2019 reading

Edward Berlin, Reflections and Research on Ragtime

Catherine Wagner, My New Job

Chelsey Minnis, Baby, I Don’t Care

A. Doxiadis, C. Papadimitiou, A. Papdatos, A. Di Donna, Logicomix: An Epic Search for Truth

Samuel Beckett, Mercier and Camier

Diana Hamilton, The Awful Truth

Jonathan Culler, Theories of Lyric

Elisa Gabbert, The Self Unstable

Rachel Cusk, Outline

Eric Lott, The Disappearing Liberal Intellectual

Stanley Fish, How To Write a Sentence

David Meltzer, When I Was a Poet

Tiger Roholt, Groove: A Phenomenology of Rhythmic Nuance

Tyehimba Jess, Olio

Franck Andre Jamme, The Recitation of Forgetting

Eric Lott, Black Mirror: The Cultural Contradictions of American Racism

Jill Magid, Labor

Houston A. Baker, Jr., Modernism and the Harlem Renaissance

Art Lange, Evidence