Awake/asleep fitfully, as is usually the case w/ the time change. Up for good between 6-7. Coffee, breakfast, read a few more ch. of Buarque. Worked on my Dad’s taxes 10-noon. Finished Buarque — the novel is an sequence of unreliable, “fevered” deathbed remembrances on the part of a highly unsympathetic and oversexed ruling-class scion, now in reduced circumstances. (He fantasizes that he’s about to be compensated for family land expropriated decades ago.) The character is evidently a vehicle for various reflections on racial and economic relations in Brazil — he’s supposed to be over 100 years old, and could be taken as a stand-in for the country itself, though I’m not equipped to grasp every historical/political reference. Krapp’s Last Tape by way of, Chile By Night (mutatis mutandis the nation treated), perhaps? Went out at 1, put on the Schramms’ CD — JD Foster’s production touch is evidence, but the writing is strong independently of that, esp. melodically. So far, it comes off like Peter Holsapple singing Rufus Wainwright, not a combination I’d ever have expected to hear. Stopped at Foothill Goodwill, picked up an old book of John Greenleaf Whittier’s letters and an Erasure CD, among other things. Lunch, coffee, groceries. Home about 4. Rest of day, and evening past dinner, uneventful - difficult to recall, in fact. Read a chunk of Diane Ravitch, The Language Police: How Pressure Groups Restrict What Students Learn, a book on textbook censorship (from both the right an left) by a Clinton-era educational policy advisor. Well-documented, but many of the “liberal” anti-p.c. arguments are familiar. Not without merit, esp. w/ regard to bias- and sensitivity-groups power over the market for state-wide adoptions, but unlikely to change minds — I suspect the issue is unresolvable given underlying disputes about the purpose of American education. Lights out around 10 pm.