Up 8.
Finished the art critic interviews - Lynne Tillman, Michelle Williams, John Yau.
Spent an hr. on email (some progress, inbox hovering around 100), listened to some links to Puffy Aniyume songs Andrew H. sent. About the same on McClennan interview (don’t want to go too long on some of these questions).
Left later than I should have for Brooklyn, but arrived in the second hour of a memorial tribute to Joseph Jarman (AACM/Art Ensemble) at Roulette. (Ate some chicken wings and greens from a street fair en route) Moving testimonials from Thurman Barker, Patricia Nicholson, Muhal Richard Abrams’ widow, and Jarman’s; also from a student at his aikido dojo. Performances by Leo Smith w/ pianist, a quartet w/ Amina Claudia Myers on Hammond, and other musicians and can’t name w/ certainty (I couldn’t score a program). Ended at about 4, talked to James McNew and family (inc. 7 month old sun Abraham, whom I didn’t know about) on the way out.
Stopped in the Center for Fiction for a coffee, wrote briefly in notebook, didn’t buy anything.
Walked about 15 min. to a birthday party for a Canadian writer I know slightly (enough to be invited anyway); moved from stoop to rooftop. Mainly a millennial cohort (I turned down a microdose of acid!!), and I only knew one other (also older) person previously, but I felt comfortable enough to stay from about 6-9:30, and had interesting conversations about Grimes, Wyndham Lewis, and Dory Previn.
Unnameable Books was too close not to stop at. Picked up Music and Cultural Theory, ed. John Shepherd and Peter Wick, Craig Dworkin Motes, and Robbe-Grillet Recollections of the Golden Triangle (b/c it’s not one of the ones that stays in print) used, and Jen Tynes Hunter Monies + a chapbook of Corinna Copp’s new. Very tempted by A Handful of Shells, a new history of West Africa.
Probably made it through 20 or so p. of Rogin over the course of the day.
Home by midnight, didn’t stay up long.