Jet-lagged. My sleep cycle will be out of whack for a week or more, but you don’t need a blow by blow. No reading, no book work, but managed to finish and send off my email interview for Rob McClennan’s blog. Main even of the day was Eddie’s “Summer Sweat” bbq/casual music-making evening in Claremont. The usual crowd of Shrimper/Rhino/townie folks - and a couple people I hadn’t seen in years. Good to hang out. Managed to make it through my set, pretty much what I played at Pete’s Candy Store (including the card trick before “Illusions,” which went over). Skipped “I Invented Rock ’n’ Roll,” “Control Freak,” and “Milkcrate,” swapped in “Untimely Beggar.” Home about 10, pretty beat - managed to write in poetry notebook before sacking out. Listened to Deserted again in the car, and played through a couple of Monk standard arrangements much earlier in the day.