Up 8. Worked about 10-1, same section. Inching along - this might be another one to send. Participated in a holiday call w/ Bree’s parents and a neighbor (in their pod, I guess/hope?) who played some Xmas songs we sung along with, latency be damned; after he got tired, I played “The Christmas Song” and “White Christmas.” Tried to read a bit w/o much luck. Sitting meditation 15 min.
Spent about 3:30-5 pm working on getting this new audio interface (Scarlett Focusrite) working w/ Logic and my digital piano. (I’m talking about this mundane stuff b/c this is the ‘process’ page.) D/l’ed relevant software, watched some instructional videos, was able to get audio throughput and hear myself playing along w/ the Superchunk track, but didn’t actually get anything recorded — not sure I understand the various track input settings in Logic, so that will be the next step. Other issues: the interface I got, I think the model is called 2i2, let’s you record 2 inputs at once, e.g. a vocal and an instrument, but doesn’t have a way to record one instrument in stereo, which is really what I should do for the piano. So I probably need the next step up. Also considering recording MIDI so they can replace the sample when mixing; also need some cords for that. I should talk to Ron about some of this. Emailed Mac an update.
Spent an hr. organizing office and updating to-do list before dinner. Watched half of a 1963 Judy Garland Xmas special w/ Bree. Not much in evening. Crossword, 1 p. poetry notebook, 2 short JA poems: “I used to be a slightly handsome boy, then/this happened.” Lights out 11:30.