
Woke up around 8. Didn’t try to write on Christmas, but Bree was doing physical therapy, so I read a bit more of Beiser. Watched part of a TV production of Ibsen’s Ghosts w/ Judi Dench et al. Called Dad for Christmas around 1:30, talked for an hr. Tried my aunt and uncle, left a message. Had a Zoom call w/ another cousin and her family around 3. Listened to maybe half of the first disc of Robert Ashley’s Private Parts — want to excerpt something to pay tribute to Blue “Gene” Tyranny. Wrote a little year-end stock-taking I intended to post on fb on my birthday. Had Christmas dinner (we ordered it yesterday) w/ Bree, played some Gene Autry and assorted campy Christmas songs (e.g. Wilf Carter’s “Punkinhead”). Modest gift exchange. Bree gave me some vintage monogrammed cufflinks (presumably from Esty), I got her a book about Judy Canova and a few CDs (Connie Francis, Alec Wilder, Chet Atkins). Pie for dessert. 1 p. Poetry notebook (might have been earlier). Called Ron in CA. Crossword, lights out 11.